Life Saving Victoria Pod Channel
Life Saving Victoria (LSV) share weekly podcast episodes to provide listeners with key information about swimming and water safety, LSV company updates, as well as resources and ideas for schools and aquatic facilities. If you're an educator, work in the lifesaving or aquatic industry, or have an interest in all things lifesaving, then this podcast is for you. LSV envisions that all Victorians will enjoy our aquatic environment after learning water safety, swimming and resuscitation. Our mission is to prevent aquatic-related death and injury across Victoria by providing quality information, resources and programs for all Victorians. For more information, visit lsv.com.au.
Life Saving Victoria Pod Channel
Bush Nippers
Life Saving Victoria
Season 1
Episode 4
Episode 4.
Join Trudy Micallef (Life Saving Victoria), as she discusses the new Bush Nippers program being piloted this summer in Victoria and shares how you can get involved.
2:02 - What is Bush Nippers?
2:38 - Why was Bush Nippers developed?
3:34 - The importance of learning water safety in regional areas
4:40 - What is involved in the Bush Nippers program?
5:03 - Where is Bush Nippers currently being offered?
6:03 - The future of Bush Nippers
7:20 - How to get involved
Bush Nippers Education Program - https://lsv.com.au/bush-nippers
The Public Water Safety Initiative is funded by the Victorian Government.